Monday, August 18, 2014

A Brother A Friend A Seizure

We had such a nice visit with my brother Gerry. The day after he arrived we took in a Padres game. They won! They played well. We were more than mildly surprised and especially pleased with how the current management is supporting local restaurants and breweries. We just may go again before they end the season--which will be soon given that it appears they will not get into the post season. Nope--this year the Pads are truly "Boys of Summer" (only).

The rest of Gerry's visit we explored various lunch and/or brunch spots, studied the Racing Form, went to the track and stayed up late into the night sipping (oh okay---drinking) red wine and trying to figure out the craziness going on across the world, in our own country in Ferguson and within our circle of family and friends. No solutions---just discussion.

Michael was especially looking forward to the week-end because his childhood buddy was returning home after an absence of several years. He was so looking forward to getting together. Maybe it was the late night discussion, maybe it was a restless night anticipating seeing Trevor the next day, maybe it was just the capricious nature of this stupid, vile condition. Whatever the reason , at 8:13am Sunday Michael had an unusually violent seizure. It lasted less than a minute (good) and cast a pall on the household (bad) and warranted the inevitable discussion about altering plans. I wasn't for altering. I moved a brunch reservation back a half hour and I woke Michael an hour later and filled him in about the seizure. Michael soldiered through. No seizure, no headache, no aches were going to keep him from proceeding with his day. We thoroughly enjoyed a brunch with family friends and their baby and Trevor arrived at our home later to get his friend and enjoy a day at the track. It was a good, good day. Seizure be damned!

A family dinner. Gerry's last night until he visits again in December. More wine, more discussion. A restful sleep for all.

Take that epilepsy. Take that!

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